New Online Games for You To Try in 2024

Online Games 2024

The year has only just begun, and it’s already full of news of upcoming online games. Luckily, we’ve already done the hard work and compiled a list of noteworthy games for you to try. All you need to do now is find a new online casino that offers your preferred game and sign up with them. Take advantage of any welcome bonuses to enhance your experience even further.

Now, let’s look at some of the new and upcoming games you can try in 2024.

Online Casino Games

These new casino games are attracting quite a few players already, so give these a try and see why more and more players are flocking to these games.

“Jelly Belly Megaways” by NetEnt

No, we’re not talking about the bean-sized sweets that may or may not fool you into eating a foul flavour. Instead, we’re talking about NetEnt’s latest game, which has nothing to do with the famous candy. It has cute characters encased in jiggly jellies, so you’re in for a wild treat if jellies are your thing.

Jelly Belly Megaways is loaded with generous features that will keep you playing for a while. That’s a good thing, too, because the game can venture into the “too cute” territory after a while. Thankfully, NetEnt knows how to entertain their players and keep them from getting too bored with the otherwise colourful and playful scenery.

“Wild Wild Bet” by Mascot Gaming

Mascot Gaming’s newest game, Wild Wild Bet, takes an interesting spin on poker and gives it a casino-style card game edge. You still need to know your hands (e.g. three of a kind, full house, royal flush), but it also dictates whether your spin is successful. If you get a successful hand, you can enter a bonus round to see if you can raise the stakes even higher.

The interface for Wild Wild Bet is relatively simple, and it does well in presenting a card game table of an old-style saloon. The gameplay is fast-paced and straightforward, so you’ll never have to worry about deciding whether to fold or call someone’s bluff.

Online Strategy Games

Want more out of your online games? Test your wits against these games and see if you can come out victorious.

“Homeworld 3” by Blackbird Interactive

If you have a sci-fi itch that’s getting harder and harder to satisfy, Blackbird Interactive might have the solution for you later this year. Homeworld 3 promises to let you explore the massiveness of space while allowing you to flex your strategising muscles. With many different space obstacles to navigate, Blackbird Interactive will ensure you’ll never leave Homeworld 3 dissatisfied.

What’s even more amazing about this upcoming game is the amount of time the studio took to realize the game – 21 years, to be exact. Its predecessor, Homeworld 2, was released in 2003. According to the developers, they had to wait 20 years before the technology could finally handle what they had in mind.

“Rising Lords” by Argonwood

Not into sci-fi? No problem – Argonwood has you covered with their real-time strategy game, Rising Lords. Set during medieval times, this game will expect you to rule your kingdom towards power and prosperity. Will you balance military might with economic prosperity, or will you raze everything in your path to prove your power? The choice is yours.

The charming thing about this game is how it combines a turn-based online game with a traditional board game. You’ll have to manage your pieces on the game board and watch them fulfil their tasks. The campaign mode will require you to always have your wits to see your kingdom to the end, while the skirmish battles mode puts you right into the heat of battle.

Even better is the multiplayer mode—test yourself against your friends. Unlike a typical board or online game where players must wait on each other, Rising Lords allows players to fulfil their turns simultaneously. That means you’ll always have to be on your toes if you want to win.

New Online Casinos to Try

Can’t wait to start playing these latest games and more? Check out some of these new casinos, and take advantage of their welcome bonuses to extend your fun.

FuturePlay Casino

FuturePlay lives up to its name by employing a futuristic feel to its interface. From the predominantly blue and purple colourways to the android-like characters that are meant to keep you company, FuturePlay has a solid idea of what a casino might look like in the future.

Even though the operator doesn’t have a dedicated mobile app, FuturePlay’s website is optimized to run smoothly on smartphones. It also helps that the design is easy on the eyes, literally and figuratively. Because of its cyber future aesthetic, the colours are never too bright, regardless of whether your browser is set to light or dark mode.

The main unique thing about this operator is that it only accepts cryptocurrency as a payment method. This gesture takes FuturePlay’s commitment to its name to the next level. To experience their games, you’ll need some cryptocurrencies to get started.

RedDice Casino

If you want a more traditional online casino experience without dealing with cryptocurrency, RedDice Casino is a good choice. Although they accept crypto as a payment method, they also accept common forms such as MasterCard, Visa, Interac, and Skrill, among many others.

RedDice’s interface succeeds in being simple yet visually appealing. It’s clean and well-organized while keeping a dark theme to avoid eye strain. The mobile version of the website works well on any device, which is a good thing considering the lack of a dedicated mobile app.

Their game selection is also top-notch and constantly updated, and they carry games from reputable developers such as NetEnt. They also have live casino games for those who want to experience the randomness of table games without relying on computers.


ProntoBet’s website looks somewhat similar to RedDice, except for one thing – the colour scheme. Unlike RedDice’s predominantly red and white colours, ProntoBet employs purple and yellow. The result is an eye-catching design that’s never too bright yet always lively.

Their library is also quite sizable, especially for a casino that only launched in 2023. The quality of the games they carry is even more impressive thanks to their chosen providers, such as NetEnt and Play N’ Go. ProntoBet also offers live casino games and game shows if you want to switch things up one day.

What sets ProntoBet apart from its competitors is its live sports section. As you probably already gathered from the name, ProntoBet lets you place wagers on current sports games such as hockey, soccer, and basketball.

If you want a one-stop shop to kick back with a fun casino game or enjoy a sports game with a bet, ProntoBet should be your next online destination.